Mothers not forgotten for Christmas

December 19, 2019 BY

Collaboration: 3BA General Manager, John Fitzgibbon and UFS’s Heather Taylor earlier this week ahead the bags’ distribution. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS

THE 3BA Christmas Appeal is ensuring mothers feel valued this Christmas, not just generating toys for the children of less fortunate families.

With many parents, especially mothers, the victims of domestic violence, 3BA Christmas Appeal’s Peter Caligari said it was “particularly important” for them to also have something at Christmas time.

Working with UFS and receiving additional donations from Mars Wrigley and Regent Cinemas, gift bags have been assembled which include moisturisers and hand cream, a reusable coffee cup, body wash, Pods and a movie pass.

“There’s no Mother’s Day, there’s no birthdays, there’s no wedding anniversaries. They’re not part of these domestic violence victims’ lives,” Mr Caligari said.

“That’s why we thought we’d demonstrate to them that they are not the forgotten members of our community. That’s why we’ve got a special gift for them.”

Heather Taylor is part of UFS’s Marketing and Communications team. The organisation was “more than happy” to show their support to those who need it.

“Any profits that UFS generates go back into the community through benefits to our members and supporting our communities through our sponsorship and donations program,” she said. “Through that program, we were able to supply the gifts in the bags.”

3BA General Manager, John Fitzgibbon said UFS is indicative of the support the appeal receives from the city’s broader business community.

“It’s a great partnership for us because UFS is truly local and everything that they’re doing and we’re doing stays here in Ballarat,” he said. “It’s reaffirming a long partnership between our businesses in a new fashion.”

UFS is a member of CORE, or Communities of Respect and Equality, and an ongoing backer of WRISC Family Violence Support.