MP says she’s delivering for Golden Plains

February 19, 2023 BY

Light ‘em up: During the 2022 Federal election campaign Catherine King pledged $500,000 in lighting upgrades at Woady Yaloak Recreation Reserve. Photo: FILE






I AM so lucky to represent this beautiful part of the country.

I got the chance in Parliament recently to acknowledge the communities that are new to the Ballarat electorate.

From Shelford to Meredith, Lethbridge to Rokewood, Maude to Dereel, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the people and communities, and I look forward to getting to know you and the issues that matter to you in the years to come.

I have held mobile offices in Teasdale, Lethbridge, Haddon, Rokewood and Meredith. I attended the dawn service at Corindhap and I look forward to the upcoming duck race in Shelford.

From local roads to lack of mobile phone coverage to community sport infrastructure, the issues that matter to you matter to me.

Throughout the election campaign I announced funding for the Maude Pavilion, new lighting at Woady Yaloak Rec Reserve, and the reconstruction of Linton oval.

I look forward to working with your council to deliver these important projects.

We recently announced funding of $1.3 million for Golden Plains Shire as part of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund, and I encourage you to speak with council about how that can best be spent.

Across the country, I am proud to be part of a government that is committed to strengthening Medicare, taking real action on climate change, and is focused on making the lives of everyday Australians better.

On 1 January, cheaper medicines took effect, making life a little easier for those in our community who rely on prescriptions.

From July, 1.2 million families will benefit from cheaper childcare.

Our May Budget will deliver electricity bill relief, easing the stresses faced by many.

We are training Australian workers and tackling the skills shortages holding back businesses with 180,000 fee-free TAFE places.

We have established 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave.

We’ve established Jobs and Skills Australia and a royal commission into Robodebt.

We’ve passed a Climate Change Bill and have updated our climate targets.

We’re setting up a National Anti-Corruption Commission.

We’ve delivered a pay-rise for aged care workers and those on minimum wage and we’ve passed legislation to get wages moving.

We’ve repaired Australia’s standing in the world, ended the cashless debit card and expanded the seniors health card.

And, perhaps most importantly, we are taking the next steps on the long journey of reconciliation by initiating long awaited constitutional change and implementing an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

My office at 5 Lydiard Street North in Ballarat is always available to assist.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out in person, or by phone on 5338 8123 if we can help.