Get a mullet for mental health

September 2, 2022 BY

Business and party: All funds raised by the mullet cuts, a raffle and auction will be donated to the Black Dog Institute. Photo: FILE

IF your long, flowing locks need a trim, they could be tidied for a good cause this month at the Rokewood Hotel.

Faith Gordon is the hairdresser behind the local Mullets for Mental Health fundraiser and she’s encouraging people to get a mullet cut, or get their mullets cut off, to generate money for the Black Dog Institute.

“Out in rural areas, mental health is not something people talk about. So many people every day might be struggling with their mental health, but they feel that they can’t talk to anyone,” she said.

“We want this day to be a day of laughter, but also a day of conversation. The mullet cutting provides an opportunity for people to come and have a chat to their mates, make sure they’re doing okay, and that you’re doing okay, in the casual country pub.

“It’s not a big, formal event. It’s about getting people into an environment where they can feel relaxed, talk to their mates, and there’s no judgement or finger-pointing.”

Alongside the proceeds of the haircuts, a raffle and auction will raise funds for the cause.

“I’ll be haircutting from 2pm to 5pm, and then will be available to pull the raffle, and run the auction,” Ms Gordon said.

“The Black Dog Institute is a great cause and people know the good things that they do for mental health research and prevention, so we expect it’s something the community will be happy to support.”

Mullets for Mental Health will run at the Rokewood Hotel on Sunday, 11 September.