Mums are bending it like Beckham

Kicker: Nancy Kay trying to get the ball through Jessica Schwedes and Michelle Cahill’s defence. Photo: BAYLEY COCKING
THERE was encouragement, cheer and a whole lot of laughter at Morshead Park on Saturday, as a bunch of mums took to the soccer field.
Instead of watching from the sidelines, these women were taking part in the Soccer Mums program, an initiative of VicHealth that helps mothers be more active and develop basic football skills.
Soccer Mums takes place all around the state, with groups in Stawell, Warrnambool, Ocean Grove and more.
Ballarat coordinator Nancy Kay said the sessions are a lot of fun and a great way to stay in shape.
“We all get out in the fresh air for an hour on a Saturday morning and have a laugh, you can’t beat it,” she said.
The team was formed in 2018 and has 21 women signed up with the program.
In 2019, the Ballarat group competed in a gala day in Portland, as well as the Women’s World Cup Carnival in Darebin.
Ms Kay said the Darebin competition was an unforgettable experience for the local mums.
“It was tough, but it really brought us together as a team and gave some people their first opportunity to play eleven per side outdoor soccer,” she said.
On Saturday, 28 March the Soccer Mums will be hosting a gala day of their own, where all female teams from around the state will meet for a variety of small-sided matches.
Ms Kay invites all women to come along to the sessions and to bring their kids along too so they can join in on the fun.
“Playing a sport shows my daughter that it’s normal for mums to play, it’s normal for everyone to play,” she said. “I love that I’m setting an example for my daughter.”
Soccer Mums runs on Saturday mornings between 9am and 10am, on the Street Soccer Pitch at Morshead Park.
Sessions are $5 each, with each participant welcome to two free trials.
For more information or to register for Soccer Mums, visit