Netball sessions ready to go

August 12, 2023 BY

Shooting hoops: Children are invited to take part in the Net Set Go netball program in Bannockburn. Photo: SUPPLIED

A PROGRAM aiming to help young children learn how to play netball is on at the Y Bannockburn.

The Net Set Go program is seeking to help children aged five to 10 learn motor skills and netball specific drills, all while having fun and making friends.

“It is a foundation program to teach kids the fundamentals of netball and introduce them to sport,” said program organiser Alisha Nurnaitis.

“There is absolutely no experience required, we teach all that.”

After completion of the program, participants are encouraged to join a junior netball team for further development.

“We look at hand eye coordination, teamwork and learning how to pass the ball, shooting, and in our older classes we get into the rules and learning the positions,” said Ms Nurnaitis.

“A lot of kids start off not knowing anything about sport and by the end a lot of them can shoot a goal, they can pass the netball, run towards the netball and they aren’t scared of the ball.”

The program is designed to help children learn skills which are important in all sports, not just netball.

“It helps children be competent in all sports and be really good team players,” said Ms Nurnaitis.

She also said it’s important to have opportunities like Net Set Go available in regional areas where there are less sporting clubs.

“I think programs like this are really important because it opens kids up to working with other children in a team-based environment and also gives them the opportunity to develop their skills,” said Ms Nurnaitis.

“People in more populated areas have lots of netball clubs around, whereas in Bannockburn we have one netball club so it’s giving kids the access to team sports.”