New Australians take the pledge

November 1, 2018 BY

One of us: Golden Plains Shire Mayor Helena Kirby takes Worasit Phiwphong, Farah Mohamad, Min Chau Ho and Tuket Thi Yeardley through their citizenship pledge. Photo: ALISTAIR FINLAY

THE region has seven new citizens following a ceremony at last week’s Golden Plains Shire council meeting in Linton.

John Callus from Malta now living in Scarsdale, Daisa Cociuba originally from Romania now of Cambrian Hill, Farah Mohamad who came from Lebanon but now lives in Gheringhap, Worasit Phiwphong from Thailand now of Lethbridge, Filipina Rose Runge who’s from Scarsdale and Minh Chau Ho and Tuyet Yeardley, both from Vietnam and now both
in Dereel all took the pledge to become Australian citizens before Mayor, councillor Helena Kirby.

They were joined at the ceremony by a large group of family, friends and well-wishers, along with other Golden Plains Shire councillors and staff.

Along with citizenship, each of the freshly minted Australians received a native plant.