New jobs for McCallum

February 11, 2021 BY

Hands on: McCallum team members with support coordinator Dolly Seery last week. Photo: RUBY STALEY

THE city’s leading disability services organisation, McCallum, is set to welcome eight new jobs from the State Government’s Working for Victoria Fund.

Included as part of 178 jobs being funded statewide, Minister for Employment Jaala Pulford said the program will mean extending some positions that are in high demand and creating others.

“This will enable the team here to work with employers throughout our community in Ballarat to identify opportunities for people with a disability to find work,” she said.

“The economic impact of the pandemic has been felt by everyone in the community and so having this fund, half a billion dollars to fund work… is a terrific thing.”

The new McCallum jobs will aim to help supported employees and families return to activities and work as well as access to support services being improved with the introduction of a new app.

McCallum CEO Tyrone McCuskey said over the company’s three enterprise sites, half of the positions will be directed towards the social enterprise and the other half to community services.

“This money, almost $350,000, will be matched with $150,000 by McCallum. $500,000 going into the community,” he said.

“These roles will have a ripple effect in that they’re helping the unemployed in our community, helping community services because we will be able to expand our demand and they are also helping the business community because we will be able to partner with more businesses.”

With applications having opened for the new roles, McCallum planning and support coordinator Dolly Seery said the extra help will enable them to expand their capabilities.

“We have over 80 supported employees so having two sets of new ears to provide welfare supports and work towards outcomes for the supported employees, is going to be terrific,” she said.