Next stage of recreation site plan

September 7, 2024 BY
Teesdale Turtle Bend Upgrades

Improvements: Community feedback is being sought on potential upgrades to the Teesdale Turtle Bend Events and Recreation Space. Photo: FILE

GOLDEN Plains Shire residents are invited to have their say on the Teesdale Turtle Bend Events and Recreation Space site plan.

The plan was developed following community consultation conducted in February.

Proposed upgrades include improving the stage area and surrounding pathways, replacing existing picnic tables with family-sized accessible tables, installing a new playspace, improving parking, upgrading the bike and skate facilities, installing fitness/agility areas, and increasing safety around crossings.

Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said the upgrades are designed to suit a range of demographics.

“Council received more than 120 responses during the initial consultation page, which goes to show how important this community space is to Teesdale residents and visitors to the area,” he said.

“This project aims to increase opportunities for social connection and inclusion for residents and users and will support the health and wellbeing of the Golden Plains community.

“Having community-endorsed site plans is an important part of advocating for State and Federal funding to make these improvements a reality.”

Community members can provide feedback until Friday 13 September on the Golden Plains Shire website.

Once plans have been finalised, the Golden Plains Shire council will advocate for State and Federal Government funding to help complete the project.
