No more fines for libraries

June 7, 2023 BY

Reading into it: Ballarat Libraries’ Jenny Fink, Eleanor White and Julie Stevens, and City of Ballarat Cr Daniel Moloney are encouraging people to visit City libraries which are going fine free from July. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS

FROM Saturday, 1 July, Ballarat Libraries will no longer penalise borrowers with fines for the late return of resources.

According to the City of Ballarat, about 10,000 people, including 2000 children, stopped attending local libraries in recent years because penalties related to late returns on items.

Library operations manager Jenny Fink said the previous system was “draconian,” and staff do not want to punish users of their facilities.

“Fees can be a barrier to engaging with places like libraries, so once people have a fine, they don’t come back,” she said.

“They might be embarrassed, they can’t pay the fine, and believe that they’re not welcome anymore.

“We think that taking away that barrier will bring people back into libraries, and give children access to resources when they need it.

“Not all children have ready-access to home libraries and this is the only place that offers free resources for zero-to-five-year-olds.

“For children to have a really great start in school, they should have been read to at least 1000 times. It’s far more important we focus on that statistic than the fines.”

City of Ballarat spokesperson Cr Daniel Moloney remembers receiving a $50 fine when he temporarily lost a book while studying at university.

“That was about how much I was earning every week,” he said. “I didn’t go back to that library for years.

“When you can’t afford a fine, or even if you can, it does have a profound impact, and it can be a big deterrent to come back, and that’s the last thing we want.

“We want people to enjoy our libraries because they’re some of our busiest assets where people go to meet and do so many more things than just get a book.”

As a gesture of goodwill, and in lieu of fees, Ballarat Libraries staff are encouraging borrowers to donate non-perishable food and toiletries to the Ballarat Winter Appeal.

“We’ll take away the fines, but please donate to a local, worthy cause,” Ms Fink said.

There are donation tubs at the Sebastopol, Town Hall, and Wendouree libraries. Borrowers will still need to pay a fine if they lose any Ballarat Libraries resources.