Online session to get community thinking

January 25, 2025 BY
Golden Plains Shire online thinktank

Collaboration: A thinktank session will provide local residents with a chance to discuss ideas for the next council plan. Photo: FILE

GOLDEN Plains Shire residents are invited to join an online thinktank session to discuss ideas for the next council plan.

The Council Plan 2025-2029, Financial Plan and Asset Plan will guide future decisions and priorities for the Shire.

Participants in the thinktank will view presentations, exchange thoughts and discuss ideas for the future.

“In line with the Local Government Act, council is committed to engaging with the community to ensure their needs, concerns and future ambitions are considered in the development of these plans,” a Golden Plains Shire spokesperson said.

“Once draft versions of these plans are complete, they will be publicly exhibited for community members to provide final feedback.”

The session is the last of a series of engagement opportunities in relation to the council plan.

A survey and two in-person thinktanks were held last year, and findings will be presented to the community following the online session.

“Following the final thinktank session, council will consider endorsing the release of the draft council plan for public exhibition,” the spokesperson said.

“This feedback will be reviewed, and the draft council plan may be updated, before the final draft is presented for consideration of adoption no later than October 2025.

“The Asset Plan and Financial Plan will also be provided for further public consultation before the final plans are presented for consideration of adoption no later than October 2025.”

The online thinktank will be held on Thursday 30 January from 7.30pm. To register, email [email protected] or call 5220 7111.