Oppie pops up in Teesdale

Quality control: Native Hut CWA’s Shirley Wild, Lesley Johns and Jan Gaylard have curated pre-loved goods. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
AN original desire to clear clutter will now generate a treasure trove this weekend.
On Saturday, 14 September from 10am to 4pm, the Country Women’s Association Native Hut Branch will host a Pop-Up Oppie Market at the Teesdale Community Hall.
All funds generated will be directed to motor neuron disease research, following the recent death of a former State President who had lived with MND, and the market will boast everything a typical op-shop provides.
As one of the 13 Native Hut branch members, Lesley Johns said the idea came while sorting items to send to another op-shop.
“Maybe we could have our own treasure trove, we thought, but younger people might not understand what that means, so pop-up became the word,” she said.
“We figured we’d have enough stuff between our members, so we’ve cleared out the cupboards.”
Also offering Devonshire tea and a homemade biscuit, the ladies’ Pop-Up Oppie will be an experiment for the ladies who hope it may become an annual event.
“It’s testing the waters,” Ms Johns said. “If there’s enough interest, it might be something others can contribute to in the coming years and have their own little stall.
“They could clear out their houses and other people might get some use out of stuff that doesn’t usually see the light of day.”
Fellow organiser, Jan Gaylard is looking ahead to a successful Saturday of sales, expecting to attract young families who could pick up a useful bargain.
“We hope the community buys up big,” she laughed.
The Native Hut CWA has started a knit and natter group, bringing women in the broader area together. People interested don’t need to be CWA members.
“We’re a beaut little group,” Ms Johns said, encouraging local ladies to make contact. Enquiries can be made via [email protected].
Find the Teesdale Community Hall behind the CFA on Shelford-Bannockburn Road.