Pink month funds for foundation

November 25, 2022 BY

Unity: Many community members donned their pink outfits and attended a fundraising morning tea as part of the month-long initiative. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS

A GRASSROOTS town-wide fundraiser at Linton has generated thousands of dollars for charity.

The month-long Pink Up Linton initiative raised more than $2200 for the McGrath Foundation, which funds special nurses to support those receiving breast cancer treatment.

Linton Takeaway owner Cristine Gall led the campaign alongside her staff and hosted 50 locals at a pink-themed morning tea with a spread of locally made treats and coffee.

She also coordinated a large raffle with hamper prizes.

The takeaway team even pinked-up the police station and encouraged travelling customers to pop some money in their donation box in the shop, which meant two tins were filled up with cash and coins.

“Clare Bear Sweets’ shop was all done up in pink, and the Linton Craft Group created pink banners to brighten up different parts of the town,” Ms Gall said.

“We had a really excellent response this year and beat last year’s total. This is something we’ll continue to do every October.

“Everyone in the town got involved and helped, and we’re very grateful that the community supported us all.”

Pink Up Linton in 2021 ran only for two weeks, with a total of $1750 raised. Ms Gall’s 2022 goal was to beat that figure, for a cause so close to the hearts of many town residents.

All funds raised this year have been officially handed over to the McGrath Foundation, and the takeaway has received a certificate of thanks.

Ms Gall will aim to lead another raffle for a local cause this Christmas.