
Powers respond to High Street concerns

March 10, 2022 BY

A safer path: Bannockburn resident Adam McLean finds it easier to move his wheelchair around Milton Street’s median island than going over it. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS

ROAD development representatives and Golden Plains Shire have responded to concerns surrounding the pedestrian safety on Bannockburn’s High Street.

The response follows a recent petition which now has over 350 signatures, asking for two light-assisted crossings along the town’s main road as the area continues to boom.

Although High Street is managed by Regional Roads Victoria, Golden Plains mayor Cr Gavin Gamble said the municipality will be looking to upgrade the intersecting roads they have control over.

With some of the town’s residents having difficulty crossing High Street, Cr Gamble said the Shire is doing its part to make these intersections safer to traverse.

“Council is delivering important safety improvements to Milton Street, Bannockburn, with the installation of a raised pedestrian crossing, modification of gutters and a review of the median islands,” he said.

“We look forward to seeing significant safety benefits once these projects are completed.

“Ahead of the State Government elections this year, the issue of pedestrian safety will be raised in discussions with candidates.”

A representative of Golden Plains Shire said they are also advocating for speed limit reviews and looking at potential crossing points around the region.

With electronic speed limits and a recent roundabout installed on the east side of the train line, a spokesperson for the Department of Transport said there have been recent discussions with Golden Plains Shire regarding pedestrian safety in the area.

“The safety of all Victorian road users is our priority. We’re always looking at ways to improve safety on our roads and appreciate when concerns on the network are raised for us to consider,” a statement said.

“We will continue working with the Golden Plains Shire council to look at the current streetscape and determine what improvements can be made to improve safety and accessibility.”