Preliminary plan gets the go ahead

May 6, 2021 BY

Health focus: the Shire’s draft Council Plan includes sections on public health and wellbeing. Photo: FILE

THE draft Golden Plains Shire Council Plan for 2021-2025 has been endorsed by councillors at the most recent meeting on Tuesday, 27 May.

For the next four years, the plan will outline significant developments and actions for municipal services, infrastructure, and activism in the Shire.

Now out for community feedback, the document aims to align with the themes and community priorities outlined in the Shire’s Community Vision 2040, including community, liveability, sustainability, prosperity, and leadership.

Cr Cunningham said council wanted to “pass on… thanks” to those involved with forming the draft plan.

“We’d just like to acknowledge the planning and the work that has been put into this proposal from the applicable departments… It’s a very impressive draft council plan, it’s been very well put together,” he said.

“We will be waiting to hear back from the community for their feedback.”

The Shire’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan has been incorporated into the plan, to further support the healthiness of Golden Plains Shire residents.

That document was developed in accordance with the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2019-2023, which aims to increase positive living and reduce unhealthy risks.

Cr Sharkey said there has been “a huge amount of input” into the draft Council Plan.

“For a lot of people, this document is very fluffy and very wordy, and there’s not too many things in there that are absolutely specific on it, but we have imbedded a lot of things in there,” he said.

“I really will appreciate what the community has to say on this, I think it is a really good document that has been amended by us umpteen times and getting each and every word in there to what we think is good.”

“I think as a council group we’re extremely proud of this document, but what’s more important… we want to hear the feedback from the community on this.”

The draft Council Plan 2021-2025 will be on public exhibition until Wednesday, 26 May, with residents urged to submit feedback and amendments to the plan.

The plan can be viewed on council’s website at, with paper copies available at council’s customer service centres in Bannockburn and Smythesdale.

Written submissions can be completed online at the link above, emailed to [email protected], or mailed to Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, 3331, marked ‘Attention: Council Plan’.

Councillors will also be available to discuss the plan with residents at a range of community engagement events throughout May.

The final plan is to be presented to council for adoption on Tuesday, 22 June.