Professional meets personal in new developmental book

Leadership at work: Robert J. Re has presented organisational and personal development sessions in Australia, Asia, Europe and New Zealand. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
LEADERSHIP and management consultant, Robert J. Re has released a new book, The Business of Life, with strategies designed for people wishing to improve their personal and organisational effectiveness.
Co-authored by Allan Meers, the text is “unique,” bringing organisational and leadership development, together with personal development, and encourages engagement with a series of six “timeless” practices.
“These are things you can apply to make yourself more effective in both your personal and working life,” Re said.
“It’s about looking at your current reality as an individual and organisation, creating a vision for something better, then we look at big picture stuff like the purpose and the why. What are your drivers?
“The fourth is about looking at your strengths, or your enablers, and what’s got you to where you are today.”
A self-assessment section is set at the end of each chapter, where readers can reflect on what they know, whether they apply that knowledge already, and if so, whether they apply it well in their personal life or at work.
“The sixth practice continues to have a focus on reviewing and renewing,” Re said.
“These days, there’s a fair bit of emphasis on getting the balance right in work and life, so we’re getting people refreshing, reviewing and renewing.”
For Re and Meers, it’s always good for people to pause and think about leadership, organisational and personal development, but the current COVID climate is even more ideal.
“There’s no better time than now, because the world is changing and we can get lost, feel overwhelmed and disempowered if we’re not careful, and if we don’t understand techniques of self-leadership.
“If we operate in our circle of influence and acknowledge what’s happening, we can think about how to handle it and lead ourselves through it, and out the other end,” Re said.
The Business of Life has been self-published and is currently available at Ballarat Books and Collins Booksellers.