Quilt honours Vietnam Vet

Recognition of service: Vietnam Veteran Bryan Nicholls recently received a quilt from QUILT of Valour Australia. It was presented by John Dellaca and Rick Williams. Photo: SUPPLIED
QUILT of Valour Australia’s mission is to present quilts to service members and ADF veterans in recognition of their sacrifice for the nation while deployed on combat operations.
One such Vietnam veteran, former army warrant officer, Bryan Nicholls was recently presented with a quilt of valour.
His citation reads, “On behalf of the Quilt of Valour Australia Inc we award this quilt to you to acknowledge your valour, service and sacrifice for our country. The quilt has been made with love for you from other Australians to wrap you in warmth and care. Each stitch that holds the layers together represents love, gratitude and sometimes the tears of the makers.”
The quilt was presented to Mr Nicholls in the company of two fellow Vietnam Veterans, John Dellaca and Rick Williams, at home in Sebastopol.
Mr Nicholls served in South Vietnam in 1965. He recently was awarded Life Membership of the RSL for his service to the Victorian branch.