Rail sale oversite rejection not good, says Ripon MP

November 17, 2019 BY

Louise Staley, Member for Ripon. Photo: FILE


Dear Editor,

Once again Daniel Andrews is arrogantly ignoring the concerns of country Victorians.

During the debate on the Rail Safety Legislation Amendment (National Services Delivery and Related Reforms) Bill 2019, the opposition moved amendments that would have required any sale or lease agreement to be tabled in parliament, be scrutinised by each house and be subject to revocation if not in the public interest.

These amendments were opposed by the Andrews Labor Government, consistent with their arrogant approach to scrutiny and accountability. Sadly, however, they were supported by a number of crossbenchers from rural and regional Victoria. These included Andy Meddick and Stuart Grimley from Western Victoria.

Daniel Andrews and Labor are running out of money, so they are looking to sell whatever they can to continue to pump cash into overrun and over-budget infrastructure projects in metropolitan Melbourne. This fire sale includes the registration arm of VicRoads and possibly rural and regional rail infrastructure.

The Andrews Labor Government have mismanaged the Murray Basin Rail Project, with the project not even half completed but the money all gone. And commuters are faring no better, with the Maryborough line suffering through 35 consecutive months of sub-standard performance.

It is clear that Daniel Andrews and Labor don’t care about people who live outside the tram tracks. This latest arrogant move, aided by Mr Meddick and Mr Grimley who are supposed to be representing the concerns of people from Western Victoria, is just another example of Labor’s disregard for country Victorians.

Louise Staley

Member for Ripon