Reconciliation continues with national campaign

Respect: Members of Ballarat’s First Nations community in January. Currently the country is marking Reconciliation Week. Photo: FILE
NATIONAL Reconciliation Week has launched, reminding Australians that they’re all ‘in this together,’ sharing, promoting and respecting the histories, achievements, stories, and cultures of First Nations Peoples.
Running until Wednesday, 3 June, the week is full of COVID-adapted events in Ballarat, and will remember the High Court’s Mabo decision and the 1967 referendum, acknowledging Aboriginal people as part of the country’s society.
City of Ballarat mayor, Cr Ben Taylor said the week provides further opportunity to strengthen relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the wider community.
“Our current Reconciliation Action Plan…outlines our innovative and aspirational strategies to further advance reconciliation while empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,” he said.
“[We are] committed to reconciliation. I hope we can all make a real difference during this time of uncertainty and anxiety, and reach out to others.”
Councillors’ reconciliation speeches have been pre-recorded and will be broadcast on the council Facebook page from today, Thursday, 28 May, and tomorrow, Friday, 29 May, Ballarat Libraries’ Storytime on Facebook will feature dreamtime tale, Tiddalick the Frog who Caused a Flood.
Next Wednesday, 3 June, Ballarat’s Koorie Engagement Action Group’s Nikki Foy will present Little Languages, also on the Ballarat Libraries Facebook home.
Yesterday, Wednesday, 27 May saw a pre-recorded message published to the City of Ballarat Facebook, and a book chat over on the Facebook base of Ballarat Libraries.
National Sorry Day was marked on Tuesday, 26 May before the week of reconciliation events began.
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