Recycled water pumped into creek

December 16, 2022 BY

Outflow: Water from the Bannockburn Water Reclamation Plant has been released into Sandy Creek. Photo: SUPPLIED

BARWON Water has announced that class C recycled water from the Bannockburn Water Reclamation Plant is being pumped into Sandy Creek from 19 December.

The move comes as the utility seeks to manage high recycled water levels at the plant due to increased spring rains and inflows.

The water would normally be used on irrigation in the region.

“The significant rainfall this year has led to higher inflows to the plant, and wet ground conditions mean the water levels in the storage lagoons can’t be lowered via irrigation as they normally would be at this time of year,” said Shaun Cumming, Barwon Water’s general manager or technology and transformation.

“The releases will be compliant with our licence conditions given annual rainfall totals in the 90th percentile this year.”

With inflows into the Bannockburn Water Reclamation Plant up to 300 per cent above average recently, Mr Cumming said releasing the water into Sandy Creek was the only option to effectively manage the increase in volume.

“All avenues to reuse the recycled water through large scale tree lots, pasture and other irrigation, and contain the recycled water in the storages have been exhausted,” he said.

Under Environmental Protection Agency standards, Class C recycled water can be used on sports fields, golf courses and some crops.

A statement from Barwon Water said the utility is “keeping the Bannockburn community, relevant agencies and local community and environment groups informed” of the releases and they are expected to continue until 19 December.

Sandy Creek runs east of the Bannockburn Golf Course and meets Native Hut Creek just north of the Hamilton Highway.