Referendum day car boot sale for community cause

October 13, 2023 BY

Multi-purpose: A car boot sale event aimed at seeking feedback on the Cape Clear, Illabarook, and Rokewood Junction community plan will run from 8am to 1.30pm during referendum voting day. Photo: FILE

AN upcoming event is seeking to give people the chance to sell or buy items, cast a vote on the voice to Parliament referendum, and weigh in on a region’s future all from one location.

Taking place on Saturday 14 October at the Cape Clear Rec Reserve, members of the Recreation Reserve and Hall’s committee along with other community groups will host the three initiatives throughout the day.

Committee’s chair Evelyn Cannon said a key aim behind the day is to get people aware of a new community plan for the region.

“We’re doing our Cape Clear, Illabarook, and Rokewood Junction community plan right now among other groups in the community,” she said.

“We’ll have our survey for people to fill out on the day. We want to hear what people want, both the locals and also people interacting with our community.

“This will be active from 2023 until 2027.”

Members of the Cape Clear Fire Brigade will host a barbecue on the day while the Ballarat/Eureka Apex Club will have a stall set up to generate interest for a Golden Plains Shire-based club.

The Cape Clear Hall will be used as a polling booth for the referendum during the event.

Ms Cannon said there’s a number of projects set to benefit from the community plan.

“This means we can start bright and fresh in the new year, and a lot of people have already given us suggestions,” she said.

“Hopefully once the first school term starts we’ll be able to get a few activities up already. The Saturday before Valentine’s Day we’re holding a family bush dance.

“We want to grow that and our winter solstice into big events that draw people to the area. The longest-term project we’ve got is to get the town turned into an RV-friendly town as well.

“This is to see the rec reserve and hall alive with community spirit.”

Following survey process on the community plan, a meeting will be held on Saturday 18 November to discuss the results and vote on ideas people would like to see realised.

About a dozen car boot sale stalls have been booked for the 14 October event, with remaining spots available at for $10 per site by contacting Ms Cannon on 0405 411 132.