Release targets rabbit populations

Reducing numbers: Rabbit Haemorrhagic has been released on public land in Batesford, Teesdale and Inverleigh. Photo: FILE
GOLDEN Plains Shire Council has released Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease, or RHDV, in Batesford, Teesdale and Inverleigh.
RHDV circulates naturally in rabbit populations after its release in the 1990s but targeted releases can increase its effectiveness.
It is spread between rabbits by direct contact, their excreta and flies, and there is no risk to humans or other animals.
“Residents have expressed significant concerns about the impact of rabbits on their properties,” said a Golden Plains Shire spokesperson.
“This method continues the practice council successfully used in previous years and is timed at this time of year as a targeted ‘booster shot’ in areas with high rabbit numbers.
“Residents are encouraged to supplement council efforts by implementing their own rabbit control measures such as removing warrens and harbour, fumigating warrens, making their property boundaries rabbit resistant and baiting.”
The release sites were located on public land and were selected to maximise the spread of the disease.
“The virus is released via inoculated oat baits in several public land sites within targeted areas that the rabbits consume,” the spokesperson said.
“The timing coincides with a period when food is scarce for rabbits and lower numbers of young rabbits, which are naturally immune to the disease.
“This approach maximises the virus’s effectiveness.”
The Shire will follow up the release with usual annual warren fumigation works.