Remembering them on Anzac Day

April 24, 2023 BY

Lest we forget: Inverleigh RSL president Deema Johnston will lead many services on Anzac Day, both at memorials, and at the footy. Photo: FILE

INVERLEIGH RSL members are set to be busier than ever this Anzac Day, staging a packed program of events to acknowledge and honour fallen servicepeople.

Services will be led by Inverleigh RSL in Bannockburn at 6am, at Teesdale at 7am, and Shelford at 7.45am, before the RSL hall’s doors open at 8am.

The march from the RSL to the memorial will begin at 9.15am.

“We’ve got the 8th/7th Royal Victoria Regiment as the catafalque party, which are the troops that march in reverse arms and stand there,” Inverleigh RSL president Deema Johnston said.

“We’ve got a morning tea from the Red Cross at 10am, and then go into the public hall itself for a requiem service at 10.30am.”

Retired Major Don Gerling is set to speak as guest speaker.

At 11.30am, certificates of appreciation will be presented to the creators and donors of the RSL’s handmade tapestry, and bar, before the special Bannockburn versus Inverleigh Anzac Day football and netball clashes at 2pm.

Mr Johnston said he encourages community members to come out and enjoy the unique spectacle.

“You only get to see the veterans marching down the road once a year, and they’re marching not only for themselves, but for the mates that they’ve lost in service… and over time.”

Having led the day’s proceedings for a few years on behalf of the RSL, Mr Johnston said it’s a humbling time of year.

“I have the backing and the support of not just the…RSL itself, but the local community, and to represent them on this auspicious day as well as Remembrance Day is an honour,” he said.

“Last year we had about three-and-a-half thousand people at the footy game service itself, and it was nerve wracking, but humbling.

“At the end of the day, you’re paying homage and respect to those that gave the supreme sacrifice.”