Reminder to enrol for upcoming election

Decision-making: Residents are reminded to make sure they are enrolled to vote ahead of this October's council election. Photo: FILE
THIS October will be the Golden Plains Shire council election and eligible voters are reminded to correctly enrol ahead of the close of the electoral roll.
The electoral roll closes on Friday 7 August at 4pm.
There are two types of voters in Victorian council elections: state-enrolled and council-enrolled.
State-enrolled voters must enrol and vote if they are 18 years or older, are an Australian citizen, and have lived in the Golden Plains Shire for longer than one month.
Council-enrolled voters are property owners, occupiers or representatives of a corporation who pay rates in the Golden Plains Shire, are 18 years or older and not a state-enrolled voter in the Local Government Area.
The rules for council-enrolled voters have changed since the last election meaning council-enrolled voters must now enrol if they wish to participate.
Once a council-enrolled voter is enrolled, they must vote, or they will be fined.
Golden Plains Shire interim CEO, Michael Tudball, has encouraged the community to be informed of the changes.
“The Victorian Electoral Commission are responsible for the changes to the rules for council-enrolled voters ahead of the 2024 local council elections,” he said. “The changes implemented by the VEC require that council-enrolled voters, including property owners that live outside of the Shire, occupier ratepayers or representatives of a corporation, who are not a state-enrolled voter, apply to vote in the 2024 and future local council elections.
“Previous enrolment is no longer recognised.”
More information on the upcoming council election and changes to enrolment can be found at or