Research project for health partners

Collaboration: Deakin University’s Associate Professor Anna Wong Shee, Deakin Rural Health director Professor Vincent Versace, and Grampians Health CEO Dale Fraser. Photo: SUPPLIED
DEAKIN Rural Health and Grampians Health are partnering on a research project, aiming to improve the region’s healthcare through evidence-based practice.
As part of a new memorandum of understanding, the organisations’ goals are to boost the quality of their services, including allied health and nursing, and create a space for better patient outcomes.
The partnership has received funding from the Federal Department of Health and Aged Care’s Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training program, and Grampians Health and Deakin staff expect they will be able to grow their professional networks by working together and create further grant opportunities.
“Research plays an integral role in the development and progression of our health service and we are pleased to be continuing to grow our partnership with Deakin Rural Health,” said Grampians Health CEO Dale Fraser.
“This is a valuable opportunity to support research aimed at helping our local communities be connected, healthy and productive.
“We’ve already seen many benefits of this strong relationship and this MOU will provide greater opportunities in health service-led research.”
Deakin Rural Health is an arm of Deakin University’s School of Medicine, focused on the health and wellbeing of communities across western Victorian, the Grampians, and Wimmera regions.
Director Professor Vin Versace said the memorandum of understanding is a “natural progression” of a six-year relationship they’ve had with Grampians Health, formerly Ballarat Health Services.
“A number of joint projects have been acknowledged through local research awards reflecting the value not only to the health service, but also the communities we work within,” he said.
Jobs are also set to be created in the health geography and health services research spaces.