Residents identify Shire plan priorities

March 3, 2025 BY
Golden Plains Council Plan

Findings: A report has detailed the result of community consultation with Golden Plains Shire residents about the next council plan. Photo: FILE

GOLDEN Plains Shire Council has released a report detailing the results of community consultation about the next four-year council plan.

Throughout 2024, online and hard-copy surveys, in-person and online workshops, and outreach with youth and municipal health and wellbeing partners were held across the Shire.

Responses to the Shaping our Future Together survey indicated that residents believe Golden Plains Shire should prioritise infrastructure, community programs, advocacy, waste management and parks, reserves and public places.

Participants in in-person community thinktanks identified ‘bedroom’ townships, where residents commute to work, childcare and schooling, and engagement fatigue as key challenges for the Shire.

No residents attended the online thinktank session held Thursday 30 January.

Mayor Cr Sarah Hayden thanked the more than 1000 people who participated in the consultation process.

“It was great to see community members really engaged in shaping the future of Golden Plains Shire, and your responses will help inform the ongoing development of the 2025–2029 council plan,” Cr Hayden said.

“This valuable community feedback is instrumental in developing this crucial document which outlines council’s objectives and strategies for the next four years.”

Community feedback will be used to develop the draft plan and there will be further opportunities for engagement in mid-2025. To view the full report visit .