Retro broadcast links Hustwaite to Carols history

Ted Furlong Collection: Matt Hustwaite holds a snap of great grandfather, Ted Furlong, and 1957’s A Christmas Sing with Bing at the Gold Museum. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
ALMOST sixty-two years ago, 3BA’s Station Manager, Ted Furlong was heard across the United States at Christmas time.
Within 1957’s A Christmas Sing with Bing, the former leading aircraftman shared the way in which regional Victoria celebrated the festive season, securing the opportunity after initially networking with American colleagues he’d gained during World War Two.
But not only was Mr Furlong a performer, a singer and a Ballarat radio personality, he’s the great grandfather of Matt Hustwaite, President of the new Ballarat Carols by Candlelight, presented by Harcourts.
Now, many years on and reviving the Carols, Hustwaite was excited to discover the link to Bing Crosby’s Christmas Radio Show, and hold an original reel of the broadcast, now stored in the Gold Museum’s Ted Furlong Collection.
“As part of the show, they’d do crosses all around the world to different countries, giving a sense of how they celebrate Christmas, and Ballarat was the Australian snapshot,” he said.
“They did a cross to Ted on the shores of Lake Wendouree where the Carols by Candlelight was that year, and it’s wonderful to know that the original reel’s being taken care of.”
Although, he was surprised to find out that Gold Museum staff have never actually heard the audio, dealing with such a delicate artefact.
“I’ve got the audio, which has been archived in Sydney digitally, so I’ve been able to give that to the Gold Museum to add to the collection. The museum’s a real asset to Ballarat, as custodians of so much history,” Mr Hustwaite said.
Mr Furlong was known for his charitable efforts and connection to community, so his great grandson hopes to continue that spirit and positivity with the new Carols.
“He was made a Life Governor of the Ballarat Hospital, now Ballarat Health Services, in recognition of his efforts and many appeals he ran, and Carols by Candlelight’s had that community connection through its history,” Mr Hustwaite said.
“Besides keeping that family legacy going, there’s that community legacy that’s really important, and it’s pretty special, 60 years later, to now be involved.
“It adds to the special nature of the season and the event personally.”
Ted Furlong’s contribution to A Christmas Sing with Bing will be heard during the 2019 Carols by Candlelight at the City Oval on Sunday, 22 December.