River runs, ducks race

February 9, 2024 BY

What a quack up: Shelford Duck Race is back to build on a bumper post-COVID event last year, and seeking to benefit groups including the local primary school. Photo: FILE

THE broader Shelford community has a quacker of a day in store later this month when the town’s big fundraiser for the local cricket club, primary school, and progress association returns.

Shelford Duck Race is back on Sunday 25 February at the recreation reserve, with its traditional rubber duck rush down the Leigh River, and a program of family-favourite activities.

“As well as the race, we have kids’ entertainment, rides, and a show-and-shine,” said Shelford Progress Association secretary and treasurer Glenn Jeffery.

“The CFA and SES will be there, as well as lots of food and drink stalls, craft and market stalls, and a licenced bar.

“There’s something for everyone whether it’s cars, live music from Andy Pobjoy, or kids’ entertainment. Everyone’s welcome to sit back, relax and catch up with people.”

After the one of the biggest duck race days ever in 2023, Mr Jeffery said the SPA committee are keen to keep the positive energy and momentum building.

“We would have had over 4000 people there last year, and we hope to replicate that, or keep that growth going,” he said.

“If people come along and have a great time, we’d love to see them coming back.”

Mr Jeffery said Federal and State parliamentarians, and local councillors are booked into attend.

“This is an opportunity for us to show them what’s going on in Shelford,” he said.

The race will run at 3pm, with the day of programming running from 11am to 4pm with free entry.

Duck adoptions, also known as race tickets, can be purchased at bit.ly/3HDi3r8. First prize is $1000, second is $500, and third is $250.