Road grading schedule released

August 3, 2024 BY
Golden Plains Road Grading

Fixing up: This year’s road grading schedule can be accessed on the Golden Plains Shire website. Photo: FILE

GOLDEN Plains Shire staff have announced the road grading schedule for this financial year.

The annual road grading program allows for the grading of the unsealed road network in the Golden Plains Shire.

Every unsealed road in the Shire will be graded at least once a a year as part of the Unsealed Road Grading Maintenance Charter.

Residents can see the grading schedule on the Golden Plains Shire website under the events tab.

Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said it’s important residents can see when local roads will be fixed.

“Having road grading information readily available on council’s website gives residents an avenue to seek the answer to a very common question ‘when will my road be graded?’,” he said.

“Ongoing road maintenance is one of the most important activities in Golden Plains Shire, and we want to take every opportunity to keep people informed on road maintenance activities across the Shire.

“The website is a great tool to find the information you need, and our customer experience team is also available to answer any questions about the road grading program.”

Other information about roads can also be found on the Golden Plains Shire website including the road hierarchy, the Unsealed Road Grading Maintenance Charter, and fact sheets and guidelines on how to report a road issue.

To report a road issue call 5220 7111 or submit a request at