Road-rule refresh for experienced drivers

February 17, 2023 BY

On the move: The Wiser Driver program aims to help people like Rosslyn Bosnar stay confident on the road and enthusiastic about driving. Photo: MICHAEL CHAMBERS

RESPONSIBLE older drivers looking to reinforce their skills and their understanding of road rules are invited to take part in un upcoming Wiser Driver course.

The informal but informative program for people over 55 years, which covers the latest road rules, challenges for drivers today, tips on safety and vehicle ratings, and the impacts of ageing on driving, goes at Bannockburn next month.

Access Health and Community mobility education coordinator Dawn Harper is the facilitator and said her aim is to keep older drivers safe on the road.

“Some people might have driven around the block to get their licence many years ago, but may never have seen a road rules book,” she said. “Road rules can change every six months.

“It’s all about practicing safe driving habits, and how to drive defensively, but we also talk about their health and what can change, like our reflexes and eyesight, as we get older.

“We’ll have Victoria Police Highway Patrol come along to talk about challenges on the road in the local area as well.”

Ms Harper said sometimes potential participants are concerned that the course will include a VicRoads driving test, but this isn’t the case.

“It’s not about re-testing for your licence, it’s about providing important information to keep people driving safely for longer, and remaining independent,” she said.

Wiser Driver will run from the Bannockburn Family Services Centre at 2A Pope Street, Bannockburn on Thursday 9, 16, 23 and 30 March, from 10am to 12pm.

Participants will receive resources, including the VicRoads solo driving handbook.

Contact the Golden Plains Shire’s Active Ageing and Inclusion department on 5220 7151 or email [email protected] for more information.