Road safety plan unveiled

Safety first: The State Government has announced a new road safety action plan to be implemented over four years. Photo: FILE
THE State Government has launched its second road safety action plan to create road safety infrastructure and strengthen enforcement over the next four years.
More than $1.1 billion will be spent until 2028 including $350 million in new initiatives.
This will include the addition of safety barriers on high-risk curves and infrastructure improvements at more than 100 sites.
“Road trauma is a complex challenge and sadly the contributing factors are not new – speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, drink and drug driving, driving while distracted or fatigued and less safe older cars,” Minister for roads and road safety Melissa Horne said.
“By investing in safer infrastructure and targeting high-risk behaviours, this plan builds on our record investment in road safety in order to save lives, reduce injuries, and prevent crashes before they happen.”
There were 282 lives lost on Victorian roads in 2024 compared to 295 in 2023.
Contributing factors include travelling over the speed limit, distractions, drink and drug driving, not wearing a seatbelt, driving while fatigued and less safe older cars.
The updated plan will include targeting these behaviours by expanding the distracted driving and seatbelt camera program.