Rubber ducks racing on the Leigh

February 20, 2020 BY

Quack up: Hundreds of rubber ducks float lazily down the Leigh River as part of festivities around the Shelford Duck Race. Photo: SUPPLIED

SHELFORD’S annual rubber duck racing competition will be back on the Leigh River on Sunday, 23 February.

The Shelford Duck Race is in its 10th year, with 2020 shaping up to be the biggest and best event in its history.

$1000 will be awarded to the winning rubber duck owner, with five runners-up sharing in a generous prize pool of $1050.

President of the Shelford Duck Race Rebecca Jenkinson said the country and homely feeling of the event attracts thousands of duck racers.

“We don’t target a certain age group, we’ve got anywhere from toddlers to 90 year olds that attend the event,” she said. “It’s just an all-round great day out, with musical entertainment and places for you to sit, relax and enjoy the atmosphere.”

Alongside the duck race, patrons can enjoy hands-on Afrobeat interactive drum shows, craft stalls, a licensed bar, food vans, kids’ activities and musical entertainment provided by Lash78.

A show’n’shine for vintage cars will also be present on the day, with the owner of the people’s choice award for best car walking away with a trophy and prize.

Ducks can be registered on the day as well as online via the event’s Facebook page with the race held at 2.30 on the Leigh River, next to the Shelford Recreation Reserve.

For more information or to adopt a racing duck, visit