Salon fundraises for McGrath nurses

19 Dana Street: Find Hair & Beauty on Dana opposite the Ballarat Police Station. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
EVERY quarter, the team at Hair and Beauty on Dana contribute to a charity.
Recently speaking to Joylene Fletcher, a McGrath nurse at Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Centre, they discovered there are 20 new cases of breast cancer every month in Ballarat.
BRICC only has two McGrath nurses, so hairdresser, Debbie Mercer said this helped her team decide where their next round of fundraising would go.
“They’re stretched very thinly, so we want to try and raise enough money to get another nurse out here,” she said.
On Tuesday, 8 October from 10am to 7pm, Hair and Beauty on Dana will turn pink for Brows for Breast Cancer.
“Our beauty therapist, Donna will be doing brow designs for $45 with all proceeds going to the McGrath Foundation.
“Liz and Kat, our stylists, will be offering scalp therapy for women or men currently going through breast cancer, or who are in remission, and that’s complimentary,” Ms Mercer said.
Style cuts will be available for ladies or men getting their hair back, and people can bring in wigs to be cut to a style that suits best.
“Come in, talk to us and find out more about how we can help your hair grow back,” Ms Mercer said.
Everyone is welcome to sit with likeminded people, have a chat and some nibbles. From Wednesday until Friday that week, $5 from every brow design will go to the McGrath Foundation.