Santa on the tracks despite weather

December 19, 2018 BY

Happy passengers: Isaac, Sonya and Finley White join Santa on his tram. INSET: Lydie Ferguson dressed appropriately for her first Santa tram ride on a wet Saturday in Ballarat. Photos: CAROL SAFFER

THE wet weather didn’t hamper the Santa tram last weekend.

Locals braved the rain to climb on board to meet the bearded man in the red suit.

Mt Clear local 5-year-old Lydie Ferguson had the right accessories for her first trip on the Santa tram.

Her mum said her daughter was very excited and nothing was going to stop her enjoying the ride.

Sonya White and her two boys Isaac, 4 and Finley, 2, often jump on the tram after walking along the lake shore.

Ballarat mum Mrs White said, “The boys love it, it gives us all a chance to get out of the house and we get on and off when we feel like it.”

“We’ve ridden the tram many times but this is the first time with Santa.”

Both boys were delighted with the pin-on badge that Santa fished out of his red sack.

Ballarat Tramway Museum guide Peter Waugh said while the Santa tram is very popular the Museum has other special tram events throughout the year.

Plans for next year include a horse pulled tram during the April school holidays and a Halloween tram in October.

“We’ve had 120 volunteers for the past six months making 4500 flowers to decorate the Floral tram that will be on the tracks for the Begonia Festival.”