Save and creatively capture the date

May 11, 2020 BY

Lockdown lens: Short films made in the Shire could make it to council’s new arts focused social media page. Photo: FILE

COUNCIL is calling short film makers, animators, spoken word artists, poets, performing artists and musicians to be part of their Save the Date project, documenting experiences of life in self-isolation.

Artists and creative groups are encouraged to choose one day this month which they will capture within a digital diary, while complying with all social distancing and coronavirus restrictions.

Creations will be shared publicly on the Golden Plains Arts & Culture Facebook page.

Golden Plains Arts Inc’s secretary, Marita Reynolds said reflective art is “incredibly important” at a time like the current pandemic.

“It doesn’t matter which member of GP Arts Inc I’ve spoken to, or any artist, we’d be so lost if we didn’t have our art to turn to, whether expressing how we feel, or whether we just have a love of art that means we always have something to do and enjoy,” she said.

“A lot of people are hurting really badly, and they could find solace in going back to their art. I know I have enjoyed getting in and doing my projects, and I look at this time in a positive light.”

Golden Plains Shire mayor, Cr Owen Sharkey said restrictions have been “tough” for many, especially local artists following the cancellation of the Golden Plains Community Arts Trail.

“The Save the Date project is a great way for creatives to share their talents, documenting what life is like in Golden Plains during these strange times, and keeping the arts community connected,” he said.

“I encourage any locals who are interested to get involved, and I look forward to seeing what I know will be some terrific and creative entries.”

Visit, email [email protected] or call 5220 7111 for further information. Small grants will be available for up to three people involved, to fund further creativity.