School fete to bring family fun

Involvement: Napoleons Primary School's upcoming fete serves as a fundraiser, particularly aimed at overhauling the institution's playground infrastructure. Photo: FILE
STAFF and students at Napoleons Primary School are looking to give everyone a pleasant evening out with their first fete in about five years.
With plenty of stalls and activities on offer, principal Sue Izard said attendees won’t be lacking for options.
“We have a number of stalls, events, and activities,” she said.
“There’ll be school-based stalls and activities which individual classes will run, and our parents and friends association running a few stalls.
“There’ll also be local community members running their own stalls, and a number of activities like face painting, a sack race, nine ball up in the air, roaming reptiles, a raffle, lots of fun things.
“Our last fete was in 2018 or 2019 and it was very successful. We were planning a fete for our 150-year celebration but couldn’t because of COVID.”
The event will also feature a visit from the Napoleons Enfield Fire Brigade, and organisers are hoping to have live music and entertainment from the school’s performance stage.
Food and coffee will be available.
The fete will run from 4pm until 7pm, with an open afternoon preceding from 1.30pm where parents can take a tour of the school.
Ms Izard said the key aim behind the fete is to raise funds for important school projects.
“It’s a major fundraiser for our school,” she said. “We’re a school of 80 children and have big plans that come at hefty costs.
“We have two playgrounds that are in dire need of being replaced, both of them are around $100,000 a pop.
“The school itself is in need of a complete refit. Napoleons moved here in around 2003, and some of the things put in place here are needing to be replaced either for safety reasons or wear and tear.”
The school fete will be held on Friday 8 November.