School shows off new space

November 24, 2023 BY

Pride in place: Linton Primary School students Liam, Jayden, Campbell, and Jamelia with principal Stuart Robinson unveiled their upgraded site to the community this week. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS

WEDNESDAY morning marked a special occasion for staff and students at Linton Primary School, who invited the community to tour their newly revamped building and toilet block.

Funded with nearly $2 million from the State Government’s 2020/2021 budget, the updates have been in use since the start of the current school term after more than a year of development.

Principal, Stuart Robinson said the new building will allow the school to grow.

“This upgrade was to plan for 50 students with the space for a relocatable if needed in the future,” he said.

“The building’s much more welcoming now. It’s gone from three or four classroom spaces to one large shared space which suits our multi-age classrooms much better.”

“We’ve got 16 students between grade prep to 6s so the previous model didn’t fit as well as the L shape we have now.”

“The toilet block especially was highly needed. We had two iterations of past blocks. One was a shipping container-type setup and was a demountable that we had removed out the back.”

The new toilet block refurbishes the school’s sports and shelter shed.

As well as the upgraded building, the overhaul also includes landscaping works and tiered auditorium seating connecting to the school’s deck.

School captain and grade 6 student Jayden said the new venue provides a more open, accessible learning environment for himself and his colleagues.

“It provides more room and more opportunities for learning,” he said. “We’re able to share more room and do more activities.

“The old building was alright, it was learnable in there but this new one is definitely an improved version of our old school.”