School to celebrate 150 years of history

Futureproofing: Nya, Aylah, Deegan, and Charlie are some of Buninyong Primary School’s current students getting ready to acknowledge the institution’s 150th anniversary. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS
NEXT week will be a big one for staff, students, parents, and supporters of Buninyong Primary School with major anniversary celebrations set for the start of the month.
The school community has been at work for the past few months in anticipation of the institution’s 150th anniversary which will be acknowledged on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 September.
Acting assistant principal Nicole Phillips said the task of preparing for the occasion has been a journey into the school’s history.
“This has been a huge task from the wider community as well of gathering memorabilia and photographs because we didn’t really have a lot before,” she said.
“We’ve gotten some really interesting photos that have helped us piece together not only gaps in the school’s history but items of interest about what it looked like internally.
“So, along the journey it’s been a great way for people to tell their stories and how much the school means to the community.”
Items and memorabilia from students such as written pieces on what the school might look like in 50 years will be placed into a time capsule.
The container itself is a large box crafted by members of the Buninyong Men’s Shed using wood from a cypress tree formerly located on campus grounds before it fell in 2019.
Following an open assembly on the Friday, guided tours will be available led by current students as well as a costume parade, community photo, and student reenactment to take place.
A reunion event at the Buninyong Bowls Club will take place that evening from 7pm with tickets at $25 and sales closing today.
Memorabilia and photos from the school’s archives, as well as those received following a community callout in June, will go on display in the staffroom and two classrooms.
Grade 6 student Aylah interviewed school alumni and will be one of the event’s tour guides.
She said she’s enjoyed hearing people reminisce about her institution.
“I’ve gotten lots of information about how the school’s evolved and about different parts of the school that weren’t here before,” she said.
“I interviewed a girl called Wendy and she was an art teacher at the school and I found out lots of interesting facts like that there’s a thing in the art room she left there.
“They made a picture in the art room that’s still there to this day. I’m really looking forward to looking at the old pictures on the day.”
The celebrations will continue on the Saturday with a picnic at the Buninyong Botanic Gardens followed by further school tours.
Medallions, and a photobook compiled with a majority of photographs donated by of the Buninyong and District Historical Society have been created for the occasion, and will continue to be available following the anniversary.