Scouts seek jamboree support

August 13, 2024 BY
Bannockburn Scout Jamboree Support

Assistance: The Bannockburn and Lethbridge Scouts are raising funds for more than 20 group members to attend the next Australian jamboree. Photo: FILE

BANNOCKBURN and Lethbridge Scout Group are calling on the community to help send their troupe to the next Australian jamboree with a trivia night next week.

The event is aimed at raising funds for the group to travel to Maryborough in Queensland in January to take part in the national event.

Despite the trivia night, slated for 17 August at Bannockburn Bowling Club, already looking like it will be a big success, group leader Judith Wood said they’re still looking for additional assistance.

“We’ve had a really good response and the tickets have sold so we’re looking for items to help run a silent auction through small businesses,” she said.

“I know we’ve done the group has done this before with a jamboree, I think, for Mongolia, but a trivia night’s pretty new to all of us on the committee.

“We’ve got a waiting list now and we’re looking at making this an annual thing.”

Nineteen youth Scouts and two adults are scheduled to take part in the jamboree.

Ms Wood estimated it costs $2600 per young Scout and $1300 per rover and leader.

Other fundraising initiatives have included the group’s monster wood raffle last month as well as Bunnings barbecues, and volunteer efforts with the events like the Daschund Derby Day and Meredith Music Festival.

Ms Wood said jamborees provide unique experiences and development opportunities for Scouts.

“Jamborees are generally about 10 days and it’s a really big experience especially considering some of these kids are only 12,” she said.

“They do everything from STEM, outdoor and water activities, exploring a different city. It tends to build their independence and confidence.

“They have to shop and cook meals for their troupe, which is usually about 40 people, as well as do chores around the site and keep everything organised. They all have roles to fill.”

Call 0435 042 077 or email [email protected] to assist with the event or go on the trivia night waiting list.