Seasonal effort for those often forgotten

Carry in: SJD Foundation board members Nicole Roberts and Jarrod Page and the organisation’s director Brayden Dorney deliver Santa sacks to CAFs for foster and kinship careers. Photo: ALISTAIR FINLAY
AMAZING Christmas giving continued last week, but this time with something for those who often give the most without asking anything in return.
The SJD Foundation delivered over 80 Santa sacks filled with goodies for distribution by Child and Family Services to foster and kinship caregivers.
The effort means that every family that’s part of CAFs out of home care program will get a big bag of goodies this Christmas.
“Sometimes the foster parents get forgotten and they’re the ones that are taking these kids into their homes out of the goodness of their heart,” said Brayden Dorney, director of the SJD Foundation.
“We just wanted to give them a bit of a thankyou and take some of the pressure off them during this tough time.
“Around Christmas the budget can be tough, so the things we’ve put in there just makes it a bit easier.”
The Santa sacks contained everything from household staples like coffee and tea, to seasonal treats such as puddings and biscuits through to family activity experiences like mini-golf vouchers.
The were filled by the SJD Foundation using money raised throughout the year and with the support of local businesses.
“Woolworths Lucas have done us some great deals, SPC cannery have been amazing, and just shopping around and getting sales and making sure that every dollar goes as far as it can,” Mr Dorney said.
On any given night CAFs has about 130 children in out of home care.
Seb Claassen, community engagement coordinator with CAFs said the sacks would help the helpers.
“Our foster carers and kinship careers are really selfless throughout the year,” he said. “They open up their homes and open up their hearts to kids in need.
“Donations such as this really ease the burden at this time of year where foster families could be feeling the pinch a little bit in the hip pocket.”