Sebastopol Primary wins anti-bullying challenge

Bullying stops here: Luke Getsom, Simon Etherton of Gold Bus, Sebastopol Primary School students, Belle, Mitchell, Lily and Ryan, and Doreen of Ballarat Probus (behind). Photo: SUPPLIED
SEBASTOPOL Primary School are the recent winners of the Dolly’s Dream Challenge, having drawn attention to the broad issue of school bullying.
Anti-bullying campaigner and challenge organiser, Luke Getsom visited the school late last month to reward the students for raising funds and awareness for the charity, named after the late Amy “Dolly” Everett.
Dolly took her own life at 14, having been bullied and cyberbullied.
“I would like to thank the Sebastopol Primary School staff and students for their participation and congratulate them on being the challenge winner,” he said.
Mr Getsom was grateful to be joined by Simon Etherton from Gold Bus, who donated a bus voucher to the school as a prize.
He was also appreciative of Draffin Transport, Probus groups, the Guy family, members of the Piggoreet Old Scholars, his family and friends for their own significant contributions and support.
Throughout most of his schooling, Mr Getsom was bullied. Wanting to see change, he found an opportunity to fundraise for a class project while he was studying at Mount Clear College, and the campaign only grew.
He was nominated by one of his teachers for Golden Plains Shire’s Young Citizen of the Year. Earlier in 2019, he won the award for his bullying and cyberbullying campaigning and is using the platform to create as much change as possible.
For more information on Mr Getsom’s work visit