Seniors safe and savvy online

Hub: Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre is adjacent to Phoenix College in Sebastopol. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
TECHNOLOGY will be become less terrifying for older members of the community during Get Online Week.
Ballarat East Neighbourhood House and Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre are hosting workshops to give seniors the tools they need to navigate mobile devices and the internet.
Within separate classes, running between 14 and 18 October, tutor Greg Horgan will guide people through the My Gov and My Aged Care websites, help them get the most from their iPad or iPhone, and assist with safe navigation of the internet, avoiding scams.
Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre’s Maria Jones said the facility hosts community lunches three times a month. Staff have used these events, and visits to retirement and nursing homes, as an opportunity to survey older locals.
“We found out what the older people actually wanted to learn about technology. We’re hoping the classes will be filled because we’re giving back to what they require,” she said. “As young people, we’re not scared to press a button and fiddle around, but lots of people are nervous about it.
“They’re also nervous about getting scammed, so it’s just all about instilling confidence, having a go, and making social connections.”
Each attendee will also be introduced to the Federal government’s Be Connected Learning Portal.
Ballarat East Neighbourhood House’s classes will be held at the Eastwood Leisure Complex, 20 Eastwood Street, Ballarat.
Their ‘Learn how to navigate My Gov and My Aged websites’ workshop will run on Monday 14 October, 9.30am to 11.30am, the ‘Get the most from your iPad and iPhone’ session is set for Tuesday 15 October from 9.30am to 11.30am, and the ‘Surf the internet safely and avoid scams’ class is on Friday 18 October, 9.30am to 11.30am.
Registration is via [email protected] or by phone 5329 3273.
Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre’s sessions will be held at their own hub on Tuppen Drive, Sebastopol.
Their ‘Learn how to navigate My Gov and My Aged websites’ workshop will run on Monday 14 October, 1pm to 3pm, the ‘Get the most from your iPad and iPhone session’ is set for Tuesday 15 October from 1pm to 3pm, and the ‘Surf the internet safely and avoid scams’ class is on Friday 18 October, 1pm to 3pm.
Register via email at [email protected] or by phone 5329 3273.