Session to provide support to carers

Providing support: Dementia Australia are holding a session in Ballarat all about activities for people with dementia. Photo: FILE
A SESSION being held in Ballarat later this month is seeking to support carers of people with dementia.
Activities at Home by Dementia Australia is sent to provide carers with practical information about how to organise engaging tasks for someone with dementia.
“It is an interactive session that is quite practical where was assist family carers to plan how to adjust activities and also to come up with new ideas and ways to keep engaged,” said Barbara Williams, director of client services at Dementia Australia.
“It’s important to everyone to be engaged in their life and have meaningful things to do in their life.”
The activities are designed to promote independence and the session facilitator will have specialised knowledge.
“Often when someone is diagnosed with dementia, well-meaning people tend to do everything for them and limit the amount of things people with dementia can do for themselves,” said Ms Williams.
“This session teaches a little bit about how dementia can impact the brain and the different parts of the brain so that participants have an understanding of how dementia will impact someone’s ability to participate in activities.”
The session will take place on Tuesday 20 February from 10am at 4 East Street South.
A range other sessions and support services are also provided by Dementia Australia in Ballarat.
More information can be found on the Dementia Australia website or by contacting the National Dementia Helpline on 1800 100 500.