Shape a vision for the future

February 16, 2024 BY

Looking ahead: The Golden Plains Community Vision 2040 looks at the Shire’s services and infrastructure, its community, liveability, prosperity, and sustainability. Photo: FILE

RESIDENTS across the Golden Plains Shire area are invited to take part in consultation sessions to refresh the municipality’s Community Vision 2040.
The document aims to prepare for the region’s future and influence the council plan, with a focus on the themes of community, liveability, prosperity, and sustainability.
As it was first developed almost five years ago, Shire officers are seeking feedback on whether the vision remains aligned with ratepayers’ views, needs and goals, and if anything in the document needs to be removed, altered, or included.
“We are excited to hear from our community about their vision for our Shire,” said Golden Plains Shire community wellbeing manager, Emma Wheatland.
“At the workshop, participants will be able to learn about council’s programs and plans, ask questions and share their ideas and thoughts to influence decision making.
“The event is free to attend and is catered. We want everyone to feel welcome to attend, so please reach out if you require support to enable you to book a ticket or attend.
“We look forward to hearing from our community and shaping our future together.”
Presentations will include updates on the vision document, the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, the Flood and Fire Resilience and Recovery Plan, Growing Places Strategy, Asset Plan, Disability Action Plan, and Geelong Regional Libraries services.
Community engagement workshops are set to take place on Friday 22 March from 10am to 3pm at Golden Plains Community and Civic Centre in Bannockburn, and in the multipurpose room of The Well in Smythesdale.
Contact [email protected] or 5220 7111 for more information and visit to register to take part.
An online survey on the municipality’s website can also be filled in, or paper copies are at customer service centres.
The Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2024 was first created between 2019 and 2020.