
Share your talents at Smythesdale’s fiesta

January 21, 2023 BY

Show and tell: The artisan market will include displays and demonstrations. Photos: FILE

THE Smythesdale Arts and Music Fiesta is back next month to bring out the creative side of Golden Plains Shire’s north.

Running from 10am to 3pm on Sunday, 26 February within the town’s historic precinct, the annual festival will include local art exhibits, a market of artisan stalls, live musical and spoken word performances, and workshops.

The Fiesta is supported by organisation GP Arts, and its president Barry Wemyss is organiser.

He’s encouraging artists of the Shire and Ballarat region to register to exhibit their work.

“The art exhibition is top quality, as local as possible, and full of variety,” he said. “It’s open to the general public, not just GP Arts members. I’ve also invited previous exhibitors.

“Ceramics, 2D paintings, drawings, postcards, and millinery are already part of the exhibition.”

Live musical performers, like Graham McClean, give the event a soundtrack.

A painting of a mural by Linton visual artist Pam Farey, alongside community members who attend, will also happen live on site.

“A mural is created at the Fiesta every year. It’s interactive and the kind of thing that creates interest for families,” Wemyss said.

The artisan market will include art, mixed media work and crafts, and a stall from Femxle Experience Art Rebellion, while live musicians including Smythesdale-born Amie Brulee will offer an open-air soundtrack.

“It’s an opportunity to enjoy a festive experience of live music and the ambience of stalls,” he said.

For Wemyss, the event is a celebration of his hometown, and a chance to give back to the community.

“We’re offering as much art as possible, something entertaining, and opportunities for artists,” he said.

Send a message to the Smythesdale Arts and Music Fiesta Facebook page to express interest in exhibiting or performing.