Need help writing grant proposals?

March 24, 2022 BY

Applying: Attendees will gain a greater understanding of grant application writing, which they can share and apply with fellow volunteers in their community group. Photo: FILE

THE Golden Plains Shire will soon be taking applications for their next round of Community Strengthening Grants.

To help make sure community groups and organisations have the best chance of success, Shire officers are running drop in sessions aimed at skill-up the volunteers on how to write a grant application.

People will be able to meet with Shire officers to workshop their project concepts, gain an understanding of the grant application guidelines, and the broader process of submission.

Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Gavin Gamble said the grants process can offer a financial boost to community groups’ programs, initiatives, and events.

“The Community Strengthening Grants drop-in sessions are a great way for local community groups to gain support through the application process,” he said.

“If you need some help developing a project idea or are looking to apply for a grant but need some help with your application, council officers are available at drop-in sessions to help.

“Last year, council awarded $119,522 to 28 community groups across the Shire. Council is committed to supporting local community groups and the Community Strengthening Grants drop in sessions ensure that anyone can feel confident in their capacity to apply for a grant.”

The grant categories available are healthy active living, creative community, environment and sustainability, and community safety.

Further information on additional funding sources that could support projects being discussed will be available at the drop in sessions.

The next sessions will be held this evening, Thursday, 24 March at Linton Shire Hall from 4.30pm to 5.30pm, and Dereel Soldiers Memorial Hall from 6pm to 7pm.

An online Zoom event will take place on Tuesday, 5 April from 5pm to 7pm. Contact 5220 7111 or [email protected] for more information on how to connect.

Additional sessions will take place at Meredith Community Centre from 4pm to 5.15pm on Thursday, 31 March, Linton Shire Hall on Thursday, 7 April from 4.30pm to 5.30pm, Teesdale Community Hall from 4pm to 5.15pm and Inverleigh Hall from 5.30pm to 6.30pm, both on Thursday, 14 April, and at Dereel Soldiers Memorial Hall from 5pm to 6pm on Thursday, 21 April.