
Council approves two-decade vision for Shire

December 24, 2020 BY

Communal: Spaces and opportunities for people of all ages, like the Bannockburn Heart, feature heavily in the Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040. Photo: FILE

GOLDEN Plains Shire’s twenty-year Community Vision has been officially adopted by councillors at their final regular meeting of the year.

The Community Vision 2040 takes residents’ priority projects, goals and hopes for the next two decades into account, and has been written with the assistance of a reference group, following several community consultation processes earlier in the year.

Shire’s director of community services Lisa Letic said the volunteers co-designing the document with local government were “committed, energetic and highly engaged.”

“The vision clearly identifies four themes; community, liveability, sustainability and prosperity, and articulates priorities under those themes,” she said.

In the first quarter of 2020, over 500 people completed the Community Vision 2040 survey which informed the document’s first draft.

From the broad themes established during the initial public consultation the reference group, that included municipal officers, current mayor Cr Helena Kirby and community members, went onto further refine and shape the four themes into community priorities and vision statements.

Thirty-three additional residents contributed to a second draft of the document before it was received by council in August, and then held over for new council to approve.

Further feedback from the community was accepted in October and November, informing small final changes.

“Under the theme of prosperity, the word agriculture has been added to community priorities, and the vision statement, alongside references to local producers and businesses, to strengthen the acknowledgement of the important and significant contributions… the farming community makes to the broader Golden Plains community,” Ms Letic said.

Cr Owen Sharkey said the Council Plan 2021-2025 will be based on the Vision’s pillars.

“I personally struggled with the Council Plan when I came on four years ago. I got completely lost,” he said.

“Now, we have themes to work to with our Council Plan, and it’s an absolute testament to 534 people who put their time into the Vision, both young and old.

“It’s one of the most exciting documents that’s been prepared by council.”

Following the approval of the Community Vision, Cr Kirby praised the final outcome and the people who had helped put it together.

“The Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 is a fantastic document that outlines our community’s hopes, aspirations and priorities for what Golden Plains will be like in twenty years,” she said.

“Thank you to each and every member of the reference group for your outstanding contribution, and to all our residents who shared their thoughts and feedback during the consultation opportunities throughout the year.

“Through these conversations and engagements, the broad themes of community, liveability, prosperity and sustainability were identified and will now guide the next twenty years, including serving as a framework for the four-year Council Plan.”

During discussion on the Community Vision, Cr Clayton Whitfield said measurable key performance indicators from the document would be included in the Council Plan.