Shire seeks ideas to grow and go places

Booming development: The Growing Places Strategy, designed to be a blueprint to steer the direction of Golden Plains Shire's housing and population growth, highlights Meredith as a prospective stand-alone service-based hub for the region. Photo: FILE
GOLDEN Plains Shire staff are calling on the community to continue to help shape their Growing Places Strategy.
The document is aimed at shaping the shire’s housing and population growth potentially through to 2050.
With the latest draft of the strategy currently open for public exhibition, the municipality’s CEO Shane Walden said the document has so far been shaped by community consultation.
He encouraged everyone to continue the process.
“We have listened to the community and stakeholder feedback on the draft Growing Places Strategy, and this has been reflected in the latest version of this important plan for growth in Golden Plains Shire,” Mr Walden said.
“We encourage the community to read the draft strategy and provide any further feedback.”
Community feedback has played a role in the strategy’s development since mid-2023 with the release of the municipality’s draft Future Growth Scenario.
Traffic and transport, a timely delivery of supporting infrastructure, and the preservation of the region’s country atmosphere were identified as key concerns.
The updated Future Growth Scenario, found in the Growing Places Strategy, currently focuses on the continual growth of Bannockburn as well as incremental growth at Lethbridge, Teesdale, Smythesdale and Inverleigh.
The document also indicates expectations of minimal growth for many of the Shire’s other towns.
Meredith was spotlighted for its potential residential and economic growth depending on sewerage needs, while options regarding growth for Cambrian Hill and Stonehaven will be dependent on infrastructure availability.
The draft strategy can be accessed via the municipality’s consultations page on its website.
Feedback on the draft Growing Places Strategy document will be accepted until Friday 31 January, and can be submitted either by emailing [email protected] or by writing to Strategic Planning, Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn 3111.
The amended document will go to councillors following the latest round of consultation.