Soft tennis a hit with over-50s

May 5, 2024 BY
Ballarat Steiner School | Human-Centered Education

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THE organiser of Bannockburn’s soft tennis group, Keith Humphreys, is retiring from the role having led the not-for-profit for ten years.

Soft tennis is run at the town’s recreation centre on Mondays and Fridays and invites over-50’s residents to exercise and socialise.

“We use a plastic paddle or bat and a soft rubber ball,” he said. “It’s probably a bit slower than pickleball.

“It’s good exercise, and it’s good company. Most of us go for coffee or lunch after tennis, so it’s a good sociable club and we all get on well together.

“If you feel like coming, you turn up. Nobody is relying on you. We play for about an hour and a half, and always play doubles.”

Member Phil McIlroy celebrated Mr Humphreys and his wife, Glenys.

“We acknowledge them, both Bannockburn residents, for the great work and community service that they have provided for the last 10 years,” he said.

“They have worked tirelessly to keep this group running and provided great support to the group.”

The Ocean Grove soft tennis group made an annual trip to Bannockburn earlier in the week to play some social matches with the Bannockburn crew, and share lunch.

“Once a year, in September or October, we also go down to them,” Mr Humphreys said.

“We mix our players with their players and it goes quite well.”

Soft tennis has been played in Bannockburn for 25 years, and Mr Humphreys has been a member for about 13 of those.

About 40 people are part of the group, and 20 regularly play, mostly ranging from the ages of 60 to 85.

Fun, fitness, friendship: Bannockburn and Ocean Grove soft tennis clubs play together twice a year. Photo: CHARLIE YOUNG


Bannockburn Soft Tennis runs from 10am to 11.30am, Monday and Friday, with new member enquries welcome on 0409 236 420. There are no membership fees.


Stalwarts of the sport: Keith and Glenys Humphreys have been key to keeping Bannockburn Soft Tennis running over the last decade. Photo: CHARLIE YOUNG