Solidarity in the new normal

Zara Jarvis and Mick Trembath are just a couple of the many musicians on the bill for Ballarat’s Best for Bushfire Relief set for this Friday at the Mechanics’ Institute. Photos: CHIPPY RIVERA
MICK Trembath has gigged in many of the places engulfed by fire across Victoria and the nation this season.
“All these towns that are mentioned on the news and in the paper, they’re not an abstract for me,” he said.
“I’ve lived and worked there, gigged there, had friends there. Their communities have been devastated. The high country, the horses, the cattle, all through East Gippsland… It’ll be just decimated.”
That’s why it only took minutes for him to join the line-up of the Ballarat’s Best for Bushfire Relief concert, ready to rock the Ballaarat Mechanics’ Institute tomorrow night, Friday, 17 January from 5pm until late.
“I’m on board for this because these places are real to me,” Trembath said. “As musicians, we roll all over the state… We become part of people’s lives and suddenly all of your friends across the country are in trouble.
“Anything we can do to help the people we meet, the people we love and communities we love, we’re just completely on board. It comes down to community and solidarity.”

He said it’s an honour to be a representative of the generous musical and artistic community in such challenging times.
“If these bushfires are to be the new normal, then that support has to be the new normal, and being a musician, it’s wonderful to see so many people in your industry, without a second’s hesitation, come and play at a gig like this,” Trembath said.
“You’ve got to keep your spirits up, we’re in for the long haul. Everyone’s feeling pretty grim, but it’s ok to come and have a good time, a fun night.”
Sam McColl, BMI’s venue and facilities coordinator expects attendees to naturally flow in and out of the Institute at different times throughout the night, which will allow for more people to grab a ticket at the door.
“If people do rock up without pre-booked tickets and they want to come in, we’ll probably allow that as long as the space isn’t full to capacity,” he said.
“We want to make sure as many people can experience the night as possible and we can raise enough money as possible.
“If you’re coming, bring some extra cash and change. We’ll have buckets going around, auctions, giveaways, and Bryce Ives who is MC will be doing so much to make the night fun and get the cash rolling in.”
Visit the Facebook event for more information at