Special birthday for speedy, social club

Camaraderie: Paul Gladman, Keith McElroy and the Subaru they’ve recently shared at race meets. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS
THEY’VE hosted Grand Prix cars at the Ballarat airstrip, ran a desert rally that made the Guinness World Records, had entrants in the London to Sydney Marathon and produced drivers good enough to race for factory teams.
Now, it’s time for the Ballarat Light Car Club to add another achievement to the list, as they mark their 70th year of grassroots motorsport.
Part of the club for 35 years, life member and past President, Keith McElroy picked up racing cars for the competitive thrill.
Some things about the sport haven’t altered, although now he’s 73.
“The friendships you make is over and above everything, and that hasn’t ever changed,” he said. “It’s cars of all descriptions, we’re an all-make car club… A bit of everything, and all sorts of activities, whether it’s racing on a circuit, up a hill, a social drive, or just having a classic car.
“If you’re trying to fix your car, there’s usually somebody else in the club that knows something about that model. There’s the ability to help each other with whatever issues crop up.”
With children over 12 able to compete in motorkhanas and khanacross, and teens over 14 fit to race autocross, Mr McElroy has been a driving instructor to young members.
He said the BLCC is a community minded, family space for people of all ages who simply love cars.
“The club has some cars, that we own ourselves, that have been donated to us by various car yards around Ballarat.
“For the 12, 14 or 16 year olds that would like to learn to drive and learn car control on a slippery surface, we can provide them with the car, the instructors and take them through that experience at no cost to the kids.
“That’s been worthwhile,” Mr McElroy said. “It’s an activity and place they will go to and enjoy for their whole life.”
This weekend, 19 and 20 October will see plenty of 70th birthday celebrations across the city.
Cars will show in the Bridge Mall from 10am to 1pm on Saturday, followed by a road tour, beginning at Wendouree Parade and finishing at the BLCC’s clubrooms on Airport Road.
Another 5pm car display there will be followed by a 7pm dinner “about the members, for the members,” in the clubrooms, hosted by John Emery.
Sunday will see hot laps, and round one of the Autocross Club Drivers Championship up at BLCC’s 1.3km granite sand track, just off Airport Road.
For tickets to the dinner, or to enter your car into the Bridge Mall show, contact Paul Gladman on 0428 380 302 or email [email protected].